人能靜坐法下一期班將在 6/14/2017  開始上課。

每週3, 6:30 PM to 8:45 PM 為期八週到 8/2/2017.

地點在 Irvine
Northwood Community Park – Exercise room
4531 Bryan Ave. 
Irvine, CA 92620

學員請自備水, 毛巾,和椅子(請參考附圖)

上課時服裝以寬鬆為宜,需著長褲,忌無袖、露背、露肩或露腰 因為場地是木頭地板,請穿運動鞋也不要用有金屬腳的椅子。

如有知道朋友想報名,請他們填好附上的報名表寄到 hem.irvine@gmail.com


Human Energy Meditation next new class in Irvine will starts on 6/14/2017, 6:30 PM to 8:45 PM and continue every Wednesday for 8 weeks till 8/2/2017.

Class will be held at Irvine
Northwood Community Park – Exercise room
4531 Bryan Ave. 
Irvine, CA 92620

Please bring your own drinking water, towel, and Stool (see attached picture)

Student should dress comfortably, and always wear long pants and shirt. Avoid dress/shirt that exposes your back, shoulders or waist.

Due to the wood floor in the exercise room, please wear exercise shoes and do not bring stool with metal legs.

Please forward the attached application form to anyone who’s interested to complete and e-mail back to

Please e-mail Master Shu at
hemusa2013@gmail.com if you have any question about the class。

Thank you!

本文引用自: http://www.humanem.org/


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